This blog is essentially a collection of posts I used to write on Facebook combined with my travel blog and expanded to make a very public forum of my thoughts regarding Pop Culture, The Interweb, Cartoons, Comics, Ultimate Frisbee, Absurdity, Life, Travel and whatever else captures my attention long enough to write about it...

Enter at your own peril!

14 July 2010

Sex, Communism, Torture and Death... My last few days in Prague

So I've apparently really become a barefoot hobo whilst in Prague... My cons have pretty well died a death and I was forced to buy a pair of thongs yesterday after spending most of WUCCs barefoot and I still spent a lot of today wandering barefoot.

Yesterday besides buying thongs Johnny and I made a trip out to kutna hora to see the Bone Church... After a couple of missed train, sleeping through station incidents we eventually got there and wow was it worth it... You need to see the pics to see why. More macabre bone piles... yay =)

Today I did a communism walking tour which was only ok... right up until the point we got to climb into a working nuclear bunker (my second for this trip... only this one is a commie one). It was really awesome, and a club/live music venue on the weekend... so very very cool... and I got to wear a gasmask! The "If you could thrive in communism you can thrive in capitalism" quote was a ripper though.

I then met TG and Tara and we went to the sex toy museum and one of the torture museums... both bringing on a "wow people did that to each other?" response in different ways. The sex museum was just funny and bizarre... Torture was a little more Eeewwww. It was much better than the Transylvanian one though.
We then ate awesome ice cream and I went off to see the Dali and Munch exhibition... Interesting... I like the Dali stuff and the munch stuff was nice, if not quite my scene.

A trip to the communism museum (found next to a casino and above a Maccas) provided a few more soviet propaganda laughs. Following this I got to pick up my freshly washed clothes (bliss) and headed out to drinks and dinner with TG and Tara at the comic bar (oh how I wish it was Wednesday for the Rockabilly night) and then a giant hunk of pig leg near their hotel. Spotting a shirt with a picture of Basil Faulty underscored with "Don't mention the war" and a mojitio at KFC (!!!! But I don't THINK it was alcoholic) finished my last night in Prague.

Oh and the Prague Public Transport videos are really funny.

Love, Hugs and Kisses

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