This blog is essentially a collection of posts I used to write on Facebook combined with my travel blog and expanded to make a very public forum of my thoughts regarding Pop Culture, The Interweb, Cartoons, Comics, Ultimate Frisbee, Absurdity, Life, Travel and whatever else captures my attention long enough to write about it...

Enter at your own peril!

2 November 2010

I don't like horses

So it's Melbourne Cup day and everyone is getting excited... Well it seems like everyone is supposed to be getting excited. But I'm not...

I hate horses...

Like seriously, in our current world they're the most pointless animal that we "farm" and horse racing is a seriously pointless industry.

I can understand that horses USED to be important when they were the primary means of getting anything done on a farm (and thus helping us produce food). They also used to be one of the most important methods of transport which is pretty important. And when your military strength was significantly related to the strength of your cavalry wing horses were pretty important too...
And horse racing surely just grew as an offshoot of people trying to prove they had the "best" horses...

But now? What do we use them for? Seriously? They get ridden recreationally... by spoilt little kids and professionals the size of spoilt little kids...

We don't use them on farms, we don't use them for (non recreational) transport, they have been irrelevant militarily since the advent of massed gun powder and we don't even eat them... They're not even clever/funny/cute...

Most over hyped animal ever

I hate horses

Love, hugs and kisses

ps this has nothing to do with horses hating me

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