So a while ago now whilst trawling my favorite blog a while ago I came across a link to this site, Dinosaurs Fucking Robots (be warned while the site is "work safe" any observation of you observing the site will probably affect your career and social standing... but don't let that bother you it is amazing to see). At the time I filed it away in my memory as a bizarre yet amusing example of people with to much time on their hands and access to the net.
Anyway a few months pass and now it is now (what a profound observation I hear you think... that's me, full of profoundaties) and I've been discussing/thinking about the almost limitless potential of the internet, nearly instantaneous communication of ideas/culture/technology/thought etc to ANYWHERE on the globe in almost any format you can possibly think of is a pretty amazing thing if you think about it. And from what I've read/been told it's completely unkillable (like you can kill a bit here/there but it just re patches itself or something... so it would be like trying to destroy jelly that regenerates and reattaches itself... or at least in my mind that's the metaphor I use to visualise fighting the internet). I know you can try and censor the fuck out of it China style (and no doubt this post won't get there due to the words "Censor" and "China" in the same document). All that potential and what do we use it for? Uploading bad photos of drunk people, advertising, you tube, porn and wikis about TV shows...
Discussing this at length with (or perhaps at) people I remembered the earlier mentioned "Dinosaur" site and I thought of it as a perfect example of what I'm talking about.
We have sitting on our desks the tool to cure diseases, educate, amaze and astound the masses, communicate ideas and generally be super dooper (ok I may be exaggerating there, and it's not just on the desk but it's wired into the wall and what not... but you get my point... the internet had potential) and instead of this we've made a website of pictures (drawn by multiple aspiring artists) of dinosaurs and robots having consensual and non-consensual sex...
Think about that for a second...
The technology to unite the planet (well kinda... and the debate over whether or not that's a good thing can be a different post... But remember if we want a "star empire" we're probably going to have to unite a little bit) and we've harnessed that technology to drawn pictures of Dinosaurs fucking Robots... That site is probably being beamed into space on radio waves right now, only to be discovered in millions of years by some alien planet in a different solar system light years away and they're just going to sit there going "WTF! This is what they spent their time doing? Holy Fuck... Lets go probe and then nuke those weirdos"
Anyway... Trawling that site and I found this picture and my mind exploded.

I mean seriously... A well drawn picture (I imagine it took someone with a certain amount of talent a decent amount of time) of a dinosaur fucking a robot... Posted on the internet with a quote about how if we harnessed our potential we could reach our dreams/conquer the stars (possible reach the stars and conquer our dreams... although I have some weird dreams that the addition of a "conquering" force may not improve...). Regardless the irony of this whole thing should be plain to see...
The quote (I'm assuming) is intended to be optimistic... you know a "how awesome is our potential, we can do anything, you go girlfriend" sort of thing...
but then the internet is like the fundamental opposite... It CAN do anything and is just filled with pirated music and games (thumbs up), stupid people and facts about celebrities who shouldn't be celebrities (As best I can tell Paris Hilton is famous for being famous... related to that, is there a Hilton hotel in Paris? And can you find it online without having to trawl through gigabytes of pictures of her looking like a slut?).
So putting that quote on the internet underneath a picture of a dinosaur fucking a robot... The Irony is registering at about a 12...
But THEN you think about it a bit deeper... clearly this isn't an accidental thing, no Nietzsche Family Circus here... not even a Garfield Ramdomiser... This was deliberate...
is the intended statement now "Look... with all this limitless potential and technology at hand this is all we can achieve?" Kinda a depressing thought really... You have what is essentially a holy grail for technology (ok that's a stretch too) and all you do is make hand drawn anachronistic porn...
But then I plowed a little deeper into this dense thicket of thought (why you may ask? What the fuck is wrong with you? Give it up and move on... Partly I proceed because I get to write phrases like "thicket of thought" and "partly I proceed" but this picture has got me thinking more than almost anything this year... possibly a poor reflection on me I guess... No surprise I'm single). Perhaps the intention is more along the lines of "we have the ability to achieve anything if we want to bad enough... Even getting a dinosaur to fuck a robot is a possibility if we dare to dream" (although that's a weird fucking dream). That's a bit more optimistic and in line with the quote... but still fucking weird...
So I'm really not sure what I think about this picture, it's definitely good... Anything that makes you think that much can't really be bad, and it did provide a chuckle when i first saw it too... but is it positive? depressing? ironic? satirical? or just plain out and out fucking weird... The one thing i know is it's lucky you can't buy it as a poster because it would be really hard for me to explain why I've got a big picture of a dinosaur fucking a robot on the wall...
Anyone else got any thoughts? besides "that's fucking weird" and "why the hell are we even friends?"
Love, hugs and kisses
For those interested here is the artist's website and yes i have emailed him
ps I did my research and the quote is from Thomas Edison and it should read "If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves"
pps I am also aware of the irony of someone studying for their third degree wasting their own brain power thinking about something as monumentally stupid as the above post... and then using the internet to share such a monumentally pointless post about something so fundamentally stupid and pointless with a bunch of people who probably could be spending their time better anyway... But I figure by this stage we're so deep into the irony quagmire that we couldn't get out if we wanted to... quick... to Twitter!
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